This special episode of Film Chats features Producer and Director Hoda Elatawi (GAPC), and TV Host, Producer and Public Speaker Barbara Balfour. Originally captured at a live International Womxn’s Day event at Invest Ottawa on March 8th, 2020 called 'Vision 2020: Womxn in Film and Media Panel, Moving Forward & Making Waves. Samphe holds an in-depth discussion with Hoda and Barbara, about representation in the film and media industry, asking: what does it take to be a creative and a business womxn? How can we advocate for representation? In an era of #MeToo and #TimesUp, how far have we come — and what can womxn creatives expect in this new decade? In Ottawa?

This special episode is live and includes great insight of these leaders and how their careers have evolved and grown over the years, and how womxn make space for themselves to succeed and support each other.

Hosted by Samphe Ballamingie, emerging filmmaker and Carleton University graduate.

Presented by the Digi60 Filmmakers' Festival, with support from the Digital Arts Resource Centre